Verónica Paiva
Master in Ecology and Environmental Management and founder of BioVó, a registered Portuguese brand, owned by Título Sustentável Unipessoal Lda
Verónica started by producing all her own cosmetics, as well as those of her family, and nowadays she has an online shop, as well as teaching other people, through workshops, how to produce their own cosmetics in a more natural way, free of ingredients that could harm their health.

The ingredients used are organic and of biological origin, whenever possible, and the base of most of the natural cosmetics is Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the olive trees of the Aire and Candeeiros Mountains, obtained locally.

BioVó workshops cover Soap Therapy, Biocosmetics and Naturopathy. All the brand’s products are handmade, without animal ingredients: they are vegan and cruelty free!
That’s right, besides being a family business, which allowed Verónica Paiva financial independence, this is also an approach to a growing lifestyle, based on environmental and economic sustainability, which is also instilled to all participants of the workshops promoted by BioVó.
At a time when we are beginning to feel the devastating effects of climate change on the millions of animal and plant species that populate the Earth, any idea, action and/or project counts! Then, it just depends on us gathering the right skills to transform those ideas into actions, with an impact on the environment around us.

This function has not been neglected by BioVó, as it also has a large Environmental Education component through the «BioVó goes to school» project, or through the participation in events associated to the promotion and defence of the environment, through short lectures or workshops, where, as a provocative agent, it teaches children and adults to be more autonomous and ecological in the choices they make for the products they consume in their daily lives, so that the path towards a zero waste life can be more and more accessible to everyone.